Son thereafter joins his father and sister; Father expresses worry about his son's descent into the Dark Side and implores him to let go of it, whereupon Son lets loose with his anger and blasts Father with Force lightning just as Obi-Wan arrives. Daughter who had heard the fight ran to help her father. Upon Father's sickbed, Obi-Wan implores Daughter to assist him in stopping Son before he escapes the planet, but Daughter, saying it is not Son's fault as that is his nature, refuses to raise her hand against her brother. Upon his suggestion that she and Anakin should combine their powers to stop him, Daughter instead leads him to a cavern which contains an altar holding a blade formed by pure Force, which Obi-Wan is meant to wield against her brother.
Meanwhile, Anakin manages to scale Son's tower and finds Ahsoka waiting for him. Unfortunately, he discovers that she is corrupted by the Dark Side; Son infused her with part of his own soul, bringing out her insecurities and resentments along with her other more aggressive tendencies. She leaves Anakin a message: either join the Son or he kills Ahsoka. When Anakin dismisses the threat she ignites her lightsaber and viciously attacks him. Obi-Wan and Daughter confront Son in his inner sanctum, but he manages to separate them by directing Obi-Wan into assisting Anakin. As Obi-Wan arrives Ahsoka turns and activates her shoto and begins to attack them both. During the fight Anakin turns to Obi-Wan knowing that they could not defend themselves for long without either harming Ahsoka or her eliminating them. Obi-Wan then pulls out the Mortis Dagger he received from the cave altar and suggests they free Ahsoka from the Son's influence. Ahsoka, angered and knowing exactly what they have, continues fighting the Jedi to get the blade from Obi-Wan. Meanwhile, Son and Daughter began a duel using their Force powers to overpower each other. They later began shifting in and out of their beast forms. Soon however, they were interrupted by the recovered Father, who hurls them among the Jedi. Son turns his anger against his father, who is unable to prevail against him in his still-weakened state. During the whole ordeal, Ahsoka got up and smirked as the Son uses lightning on the Father. Obi-Wan throws the dagger to Anakin, but Ahsoka dives, catches in mid-air, then runs up to the Son and hands it to him. Son thanks her and claims she is no longer useful to him anymore. Son taps her on the forehead, removing her life force and therefore killing her instantly. Her lifeless body collapses to the floor as her lightsaber rolls out of her limp hand. Enraged, Anakin lunges at the son, but is repelled by the force. Son then turns and prepares to plunge the dagger into his father, but Daughter steps in front of her father, taking the blade instead, she is mortally wounded. Screaming with sudden anguish, Son flees the scene as Anakin rushes to Ahsoka's side, only to find her eyes completely rolled back.
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Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos) is a two day holiday that reunites the living and dead. Families create ofrendas (Offerings) to honor their departed family members that have passed. These altars are decorated with bright yellow marigold flowers, photos of the departed, and the favorite foods and drinks of the one being honored. The offerings are believed to encourage visits from the land of the dead as the departed souls hear their prayers, smell their foods and join in the celebrations!
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These Masses of Requiem, called daily in the Missal, may be celebrated under the same restrictions as the Rubrics establish for votive Masses (General Decree 3922, III, 2; and Rubr. Miss., V, 5); that is, they are allowed on days of the Simple or Semi-Double Rite, and are forbidden on all days of the Double, even the Lesser Double, Rite, as well as on the days named above under IX. By a recent decree of the Sacred Congregation on Rites the daily Low Masses are forbidden on the following days of a Semi-Double or Simple Rite: (a) all ferials of Lent; (b) quartertenses; (c) Rogation Monday; (d) vigils; (e) ferial on which the office of a Sunday is anticipated. In the Masses of these ferials or vigils, if they are celebrated for one of more deceased persons, it is permitted to insert, in the penultimate place, the oration for the deceased person or persons, and although those Masses are celebrated in violet or green vestments, nevertheless, by concession of the reigning pontiff, the indulgence of a privileged altar may be gained. The Sacred Congregation of Rites had already declared this by the Decrees no. 1793, 2041, and 2962. They are of the Semi-Double Rite, and have three prayers at least, and sometimes five or seven, the number always being an odd one, as the Missal shows (V, 4). According to the new liturgical laws however, (S. R. C., decr. 3920), if the Mass is offered for one or more dead who are named, the first prayer is said accordingly, the second is taken ad libitum, and the third is always the "Fidelium". If, on the other hand, the Mass be offered for the dead in general, the three prayers are said as the Missal provides. If the celebrant wishes to say five or seven prayers, he may say two or four, between the second, "Deus veniæ", and the last. "Fidelium", from among those given in the Missal, following the order in which they are there given. As is known, the sequence may be omitted or recited in the daily low Mass, according to the choice of the celebrant.
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