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Homework Review Game Ideas for Engaging Students


Too often review games are a huge waste of time. You spend the majority of the class period explaining the rules, trying to keep order, and watching kids run around the room with erasers on their heads.

homework review game

Then you are ready to play your game! You can click on the Play Live to have all the students play it at once or you can assign it for homework or independent work by clicking the Homework option. More about both of those options later in the post.

Now, lets talk about the self paced game option (Play Live). This one is perfect if you are a 1:1 classroom and you want all the students to complete the game at the same time, but again at their own pace. The game is still self paced even though the students are all playing it at the same time. The students do not have to wait until the time is up before going to the next question. After you click on the proceed button (from the image above), you will be given a five digit code to assign the students. They will enter it in their screen on the site

Now, lets say you are not 1:1 and you only have a handful of tablets or computers OR you are 1:1, but you want the students to work on this on their own time or at home, you would click the homework option. Even though you are choosing homework as the option, the students could definitely play the game in the classroom at a computer or tablet center. After clicking the homework option, you will be prompted to enter a deadline for the students to complete the quiz.

The students enter the game the same way as the self paced game and work through it on their own. However, you do not have to have them all playing it at once. This is a great option for a math center. The students could have a week to complete the game.

If you are doing the homework version, you can also view live reports while the students are completing the assignments. You can also keep track of which students have completed the quiz and which have not.

P.S. I am not affiliated or endorsed by Quizizz (though I was given permission to use screen captures on this post). I just really love the game and want to share it with you. I hope you love it as much as me!

If you've ever wanted to take simple math equations to the next level then here's a game for you. Sumico combines math with path-drawing puzzle mechanics to make one intriguing game. But, does it add up to warrant your undivided attention?

The visuals in Sumico are utilitarian at best. Every puzzle looks the exact same with no variation whatsoever. There are no themes or background images in any form. When you execute a move, you're forced to wait for your score to be counted and for tiles to fall into place which takes way longer than it should. Anybody would want to keep playing, so being forced to wait is frustrating. When making a chain of tiles, you'll have to memorize the order of your chain to work out the resulting equation because there is no indication of where you started. All of these issues seem easily fixable which ends up making the game feel half-baked. You'll hear an ambient song as you play that sounds like it's straight from a yoga compilation. It'll get on your nerves since it both highlights the monotonous premise and contrasts with the frustrating nature of the gameplay. Overall, Sumico's sights and sounds will surely disappoint.

Sumico's main problem is that there are too many gameplay mechanics that contradict themselves and end up making the game more about luck than skill. The most contradictory event occurs when you chain many tiles together since you'll be rewarded with more points but then you're left with fewer tiles. As a result, your next move may become very difficult if not impossible. Another irritating event is when the operator and number tiles cluster around their own kind. This severely limits the possibilities of your next move for no understandable reason. Why am I punished for making large chains? Why don't the tiles fall into logical places? The gameplay itself quickly becomes monotonous and excruciatingly boring and if that's not enough to solidify your opinion of Sumico, you'll definitely make up your mind when you have to deal with these frustrating events over and over again.

There are two ways to play Sumico. Campaign mode will have you complete stages as you try to get high scores and are rewarded with up to three stars for doing so. The difficulty gradually ramps up and it'll take you quite a while to finish every stage. That being said, you'll probably put the game down out of boredom or frustration well before you reach the end. In endless mode, you'll try to get a high score before you can't make any more moves (which will end the game). It's a much more satisfying experience than the campaign but it still relies too much on luck to be fun. Sumico features many options such as toggling the various operators and deciding if the mathematical order of operations should be adhered to or not. It's nice to have these options but any adult who plays this game should hopefully not have to disable anything. Therefore, these options are probably targeted towards children.

Parents need to know that A Monster Ate My Homework is a physics-based strategy game in which players must throw balls at "monsters" (all of which are really just polyhedrons with angry faces) in order to knock them off a platform. The tricky part comes in that you must make sure you don't knock any of your stacks of school books into the water as well. Users can share high scores via the Game Center social network, but participation is strictly optional.

The "monsters" of A MONSTER ATE MY HOMEWORK may really be just angry blocks, but that's part of the game's charm. It's a physics game that manages to be fun, adorable, and (once you get into it) quite challenging. It's also pretty addictive. The three-dimensional aspect helps it stand out from other physics apps (and makes it feel more akin to the Wii game Boom Blox). Before you throw your balls to knock off the monsters, you can circle the entire area in 360 degrees and pick any angle to toss from. There are 85 levels -- and possibly more to come with updates -- but the levels keep changing enough and introducing enough new elements that you won't find them repetitive.

While Dewey is working on repairing the advanced gaming system, things go a little haywire and it zaps his science project into VR. Unfortunately, he needs that project to pass his science class and avoid summer school, so Dewey and his friends head into the VR world of the game to find and bring back his missing homework. However, this being a game, finding the lost assignment will require quick thinking, puzzle-solving and more than a few boss fights.

Just like students love the game show concept, they never seem to turn down a chance to write on the board. Write a topic, concept, or vocabulary word on an index card. Students work as teams to draw hints on the board without the use of spoken or written words.

This activity can be used with the whole class but probably works better with small groups. In any case, you need two groups, and each group is assigned either X or O. Draw a tic-tac-toe board on paper or the board. Students earn the ability to place their X or O marker on the game board if they answer a teacher-read question correctly.

Blooket is a game-based learning tool that allows you to play or create your own trivia and review games for group competition or solo study. There are two ways to set up games: you can Host a live game to play together during class, or assign games as Homework for students to complete asynchronously. There are countless games in the Discovery area that are ready to go. When creating your own game, you can create a question set manually or import questions from Quizlet. The games are set-up by the teacher as a Host game or Homework. A Host game is assigned live and completed together during class. A Homework assignment is a game assigned for students to complete asynchronously. Currently there are nine different games to choose from, five of those can be assigned as Homework to be completed at any time asynchronously.

I didn't finish Lords of Shadow, so this won't be a review. From what I did play, I have to wonder who the developers had in mind here. Fans of the Castlevania series won't find much that reminds them of past games, outside of the main character's name. The story isn't interesting enough to draw you in, and Patrick Stewart's overly dramatic voice acting between chapters is way too cheesy to be taken seriously. Everything in the game has been taken from older, better games. And it costs $60.

The main character, whose name is Gabriel (because that's what people in games like this are named), has a cross that operates like the Blades of Chaos from God of War. Yes, Dante's Inferno also ripped the combat from God of War pretty blatantly, but that game felt more satisfying and had some great cut scenes and themes from a classic piece of literature. No such luck here.

I also enjoyed how, after dying, the game asked if I wanted to continue from the last checkpoint, and the game put the cursor on "no" as a default. I felt like I was doing something wrong when I continued to play the game.

In one scene, I swung over a wall (on accident, of course) and then found I couldn't get back to where I came from to collect an important item. I finally restarted the entire level and slogged through it again. Hey, at least I found new green glowy things from the bodies of dead knights. These are hidden around each level, and if you collect enough of them, your total health goes up. You regain health from fountains. I didn't think it was possible to steal so much from a single game without adding anything new of worth until I fought my first Colossus.

I did get to see a naked fairy pretty quickly, so that was cool. I'm told if you keep playing, the final third has some things that vaguely remind you of previous Castlevania games, but if you got that far and no one was paying you to play the game, you deserve a medal, not some classic enemies. 2ff7e9595c

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